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Online Yoga Courses For All Levels
Your Introduction To Traditional Yoga

What You Will Learn
Comprehensive Knowledge and Practical Applications
In our online yoga courses, you will gain a deep understanding of the essential principles of yoga, including physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditation techniques. You’ll also explore how yoga integrates with holistic practices, enhancing your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. These courses are designed to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical application, allowing you to incorporate the transformative power of yoga into your personal life or professional practice as a certified yoga instructor or practitioner.
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Long-Term Access for a Personalized Learning Experience

An Engaging Learning Experience
Diverse Resources and Certification Opportunities
Global Community
Become part of a vibrant and diverse community of yoga practitioners from around the world, sharing experiences, insights, and encouragement as you progress through your online yoga courses together.
Holistic Balance
Gain a comprehensive understanding of yoga that unites body, mind, and spirit, offering you the tools to cultivate overall balance and well-being in your daily life and beyond.
Practical Application
Learn practical yoga techniques that can be easily integrated into your routine, helping to improve physical health, mental clarity, and emotional resilience for yourself and those around you.
Online Yoga Courses Frequently Asked Questions
Guiding Your Journey in Yoga
We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you explore yoga and learn more about our online yoga course offerings. Whether you’re curious about course content, learning formats, or how yoga can enhance your daily life, you’ll find the answers you need right here.
What is Yoga in the Original Sense of them Term?
Yoga is a way of Self-realization to take us beyond death and sorrow, giving us unity with the Divine beyond time, space and karma. Our course follows core ancient Yoga texts like the Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads
How Do Yoga and Ayurveda Relate?
Ayurveda is the traditional medicine of Yoga which are both related Vedic Sciences. Yoga looks at health and disease according to the principles of Ayurveda, including its diagnosis and treatment methods. Ayurveda uses Yoga for its psychological therapies and healing the mind. Our teachings examine Yoga and Ayurveda together.
How does a Yogic Lifestyle Relate to Ayurveda?
Ayurveda recommends a Yogic lifestyle, such as recommended in the Yamas and Niyamas of the Yoga Sutras starting with ahimsa or non-violence as the basis for mental health and happiness. This is what is called “sattvic life-style,” living and acting with respect for the whole of life.
What is Yoga Therapy (Yoga Chikitsa)
Yoga Therapy is using Yoga practices for healing body and mind. It is most emphasized today for healing asanas for musculo-skeletal disorders, but traditionally included all aspects and all eight limbs of Yoga.
Yoga Therapy was traditionally part of Ayurveda as the yogic system of medicine. Our course looks at Yoga Therapy in an Ayurvedic as well as Vedic context. There is no traditional Yoga therapy apart from Ayurveda.
Should Yoga Asanas be adjusted relative to your Individual Ayurvedic Dosha type?
Individuals of different Ayurvedic Dosha types of Vata, Pitta and Kapha should perform their asanas according to their doshic condition for both the specific asanas done and the manner in which they are performed.
What is Mantra and its Power?
Mantras are specially empowered sacred Sanskrit sounds to calm and focus the mind for meditation and Self-realization, as well as for improving mental function at a practical level and awakening our creative and perceptive energies. We discuss these in our various books.
What is the place of Mantra in Ayurveda?
Ayurveda uses mantra as the main treatment method for healing the mind, as it allows us to purify, transcend and transform all other thoughts. Our approach to Ayurvedic Psychology gives a central place to mantra to change the energetics of how the mind works, taking it to a higher level.
How Can I Discover My Personal Mantra
There are many ways of receiving a mantra, such as from a teacher or guru, a tradition or school of Yoga, or relative to a deity forms. There are various systems of personal mantras, some based upon astrology, others based upon your individual aspirations. You can always do the mantra of the form of the Divine (Ishta Devata) that you are most drawn to. There are books of mantras, but you may need help in understanding how to use them.
How Does Mantra Relate to Meditation?
Special Mantras prepare the mind for meditation, using the mantric vibration to calm and concentrate the mind. Seed (bija mantras) and Shakti mantras are important for this. OM itself can be very helpful.
Why is Meditation Important as a Daily Practice?
Meditation calms, relaxes and renews the mind for deeper perception and stronger mental energy which is very helpful today when our minds are distracted, overworked and overstimulated in the digital era.
What is Yogic Meditation?
Meditation (Dhyana) is the most important practice of Yoga since ancient times, with the power to take us beyond the outer mind and senses to the inner Self (Atman, Purusha) that is one with all. It is based in developing the consciousness of the witness and the seer (Purusha), observing the mind from vision beyond the ego.
What is the place of Mantra and Meditation in Yoga and Ayurveda?
Mantra and Meditation are key inner practices of Yoga and Ayurveda.
Used in Ayurveda for a healthy lifestyle, emotional calm and mental clarity.
Used in Yoga to direct our awareness to our higher Self.
Our course focuses on the importance of Mantra and Meditation on all levels and paths of Yoga.
What is the place of Self-inquiry in Yoga, asking the question Who am I?
The Yoga of Knowledge (Jnana Yoga), such as taught by Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, emphasizes Self-Inquiry to discover our true Self behind the ego and the mind. It is regarded as the most direct path of Self-realization.
What are Shakti Mantras?
Shakti mantras are single syllable Sanskrit mantras like Hreem that correspond to various cosmic forces or Shaktis by their energetic pattern and affect. There are about a dozen most important of these. We discuss these in detail in our books and courses.
What are Divine Name Mantras?
Mantras calling the name of the Deity like OM Namah Shivaya with the name of Shiva. Central practices of Bhakti Yoga, the Yoga of Devotion. Also help heal relationships and restore emotional balance and awaken our higher aspirations.
What are Vedic Mantras?
These are various rhythmic verses from Vedic texts, starting with the Rigveda, composed in various meters. The Gayatri Mantra to the Sun and Mahamritunjaya to Shiva are most used to awaken the Divine energies within and around us.
What are Bhajans and Kirtans?
These are short mantra chants in a rhythmic musical format, chanted in group responses. Opens the heart and brings people together according to devotion to deities like Krishna, Rama, Durga, Saraswati and Lakshmi. Kirtans have become popular all over the world today, particularly in Yoga groups.
What is Samadhi?
Samadhi is the Yogic state of unitary Consciousness whose nature is pure bliss (ananda). It is the eighth or final limb of Yoga practices, towards which all other Yoga practices are meant to prepare us. It occurs when the mind is merged in the higher Self (Atman).
What is the Importance of Pratyahara?
Pratyahara is the Yogic way of using our senses to develop higher awareness by turning them within away from external objects. It is very important for emotional healing and mental clarity in this era in which our senses are over stimulated.
What is the Importance of Pranayama?
Pranayama is the yogic development of the Prana, the higher lifeforce behind the breath. It includes yogic breathing practices often combined with mantra and meditation, to access greater vitality and creativity. It has many healing applications in Ayurveda as well.
What is Dharana in Mantra and Meditation?
Dharana is the Yogic teaching of concentration and one-pointed awareness that is the necessary basis for meditation, which cannot be done with a distracted and wandering mind. Mantra as a concentrated flow of attention is an important method to do this.